The Art of Observing Yourself
My well-being tool for this week is the art of becoming an observer of yourself, which can help us to stay balanced and not veer off into extremes.
When Hope Is Present
Despite the adversity we experience in our lives, we still hold onto hope. When hope is present, our resolve is strengthened.
Changing Our Perspective
When something happens to upset or discourage me, I can feel as if I’m being blown off course and out of control.
The Power of Gratitude
There is immense power in the act of developing an attitude of gratitude.
Respecting Your Boundaries
Respecting our boundaries allows us to have ownership over our lives and reconnect with ourselves. It’s an important area of self-care.
Strengthen Your Self-Belief
From the various conversations I’ve had with friends and people on my writing for wellbeing courses, I’m aware that we all have difficulty in believing that we are ok just as we are.
Letting Go of the Familiar
Because this is such a challenging area – I’m continuing the theme of accepting change. There can be no doubt that change in any form is unsettling.
Accepting Change
Accepting change in our lives can be difficult and there is no easy answer. Our courage and strength are often tested by life’s challenges.
Tips for Self-Care
There was a time on my own recovery path that I spent a great deal of effort always trying to be positive.
Practising Loving Kindness
Listening to the news, about the various wars raging in our world and now here - the combat that is taking place between warring politicians…
Writing For Inner Peace
This week I’m extolling the virtues of writing to find inner peace.
Learning How To Appreciate Ourselves
In the Writing for wellbeing course that I facilitate for Brecon and District Mind, I am struck by how many of us find it so difficult to appreciate and respect ourselves.
Imposter Syndrome Club
Have you been driven into the ground by your pursuit of perfection?
Do you fear that one day you’re going to be ‘found out’?
Do you feel that if you stopped working so hard to succeed in everything that you do, others will discover that you’re not as good as people think you are?
Developing Self-Acceptance
Whilst running my ‘Writing for Wellbeing’ courses, I’ve noticed how difficult most people find it to focus on what they are proud of in their lives.
New Year Wellbeing Poems
When I send my Xmas and New Year cards I have a tradition of writing a wellbeing poem and including it as a gift to my dear friends, family and neighbours.
Be Patient With Yourself
Crossing the threshold into a new year can bring with it a lot of expectations.
Quietening Our Inner Critic
A harsh inner critic, which some call the ‘Dictator’, tends to just harp on.
Go With The Good
As many wise people have said – in order to be part of the creation of a culture of goodness and wellbeing in the world – where people care for themselves and each other - we can try to focus our individual energies on seeing the potential for goodness in everyone.