Being in The Moment
I often wonder how we would be in the world if we could accept things just as they are, right now in this moment.
Change Your Perspective
I’ve been through a period recently when my projections have been harbingers of doom.
Embracing It All
I’m continuing the theme from last week about accepting what happens just as it is, because I think this is such an important area.
Speaking Out and Being Heard
This week I’m focusing on the important aspect of recovery from the long term effects of CSA (childhood sexual abuse) trauma, which in my case involved speaking out and being heard.
Overcoming Insecurity of Self
I’ve just faced a big fear in my life and given my first talk about my book ‘Wearing Red – One Woman’s Journey to Sanity.’
Awakening Compassion in Ourselves
One of my favourite meditation practices, called ‘Tonglen’ focuses on awakening compassion within ourselves. It helps in developing compassion and learning how to apply it in everyday life. A form of taking in and sending out.
Comparing Damages Our Health
In my experience comparing ourselves with others damages our health and well-being.
The Power of Acceptance
The simple yet difficult act of acceptance is an essential requirement for change to take place.
Daily Maintenance for Wellbeing Based on 12 Steps
The 12-step programme helped me recover from addiction and I still do my best to work that programme in my everyday life.
Facing Our Fears
Last week I talked about accepting all the parts of ourselves. This involves facing our fears.
Accepting All The Parts of Ourselves
For a long time, I have despised huge chunks of myself and carried a fair dollop of shame about my subsequent actions, prior to my sobriety and solvency recovery.
Living With Mood Swings
Recently, I was asked what my experience is like living with the ever changing highs and lows of extreme mood swings.
Practising The Art of Compassion
It seems to me that there is always something in life that can trip us up. Just when we think we have things sorted, along comes the next challenge. There is always the next step to take.
Confidence From Affirmations
Last week I wrote about gaining more confidence. Using positive affirmations can help by feeding our minds with more assertive instructions. I’ve been using them a lot to focus my mind and build resilience.
Gaining More Confidence
Our lives are affected by the choices we make. And our choices are in turn affected by the level of confidence we hold in our own abilities.
Resolving Unhelpful Thoughts and Beliefs
Our thoughts play an important role in what we believe about ourselves; what we feel and what we do. When we have a lot of unhelpful thoughts, we begin to believe they are true.