Honouring Your Life
On the writing for wellbeing course that I am facilitating, I have been struck by how hard people find it to validate themselves and honour their own lives. So, how can we make this easier for ourselves?
Writing for Wellbeing
I’m five weeks into a Writing for Wellbeing course that I’m facilitating for Brecon and District Mind, and I’m blown away by the group of women who are participating.
The Power of Forgiveness
Forgiveness can be immensely difficult to put into practice. And yet the art of exoneration is so powerful.
Anxiety Relief
When my first book was published a couple of years ago – Wearing Red, One woman’s Journey to Sanity,’ I experienced a devastating period of acute anxiety.
Overcoming Procrastination of Tasks
Last week I wrote about procrastination in decision making.
Overcoming Indecisiveness
This week I’ve been asked to write on the subject of overcoming procrastination.
Developing Optimism
Looking at the events that trouble us with a level of optimism is another tool that can help us feel better about ourselves.
Anchors To Ground Us (Part Three)
This is the final part of my first aid kit of tools I use to keep me grounded.
Anchors To Ground Us (Part Two)
I’m continuing the theme from last week, sharing my thoughts on anchors I use to keep me grounded, especially when I feel low or stressed out.
Anchors To Ground Us
I can’t believe it’s February already. I often find this month to be a long one, as it’s still Winter and it can be cold and dark. Spring is just around the corner but my impatience for the warmer days and lighter evenings gets the better of me.
Focusing On Ourselves
Believe in your ability to heal. Validate your own experiences and feelings. Value your own humanity. This is the essence of focusing on ourselves.
Develop Realistic Expectations
Expectations can limit our experiences. And life is too short to let that happen.
Be Gentle With Yourself
After the business of Xmas and the New Year, it can be hard to ‘get back on track’ with our daily lives. Being gentle with ourselves is a good antidote as winter sets in.
All Shall Be Well
At this time, as one year is about to end and another begins, I remind myself of my two favourite quotes/prayers…
Xmas Wishes
This week I’m sending you some Xmas wishes in my poems. Every year I make my Xmas cards (apparently they’ve become a collector’s item!) and I include a poem I’ve written. So I decided it would be a gift to you all, if I sent you some of the poems from my past Xmas cards – from my heart to yours.
Refilling Your Energy Tank
At this time of the year, as we approach Christmas, it can be so easy to keep pushing ourselves forward with all the things we have to do in preparation. If you’re anything like me – this means that we can deplete our energy tanks.
Appreciative Inquiry
This is going to be shorter than usual, as we have new windows being fitted throughout the house. There are lots of people buzzing around being busy. Big holes in the walls where the windows were and it is very very cold!!
Becoming Emotionally Mature (Part Three)
Well, this is Part Three of the ‘Becoming Emotionally Mature’ series.