Refilling Your Energy Tank

At this time of the year, as we approach Christmas, it can be so easy to keep pushing ourselves forward with all the things we have to do in preparation. If you’re anything like me – this means that we can deplete our energy tanks. It can all feel just too much. When there are a lot of demands on our time, we can forget to take care of ourselves.

A full energy tank equates to having a vitality and passion for life. Having an ability to handle full on the ‘slings and arrows’ that life can throw at us. More enthusiasm. An excitement and sparkle in our eyes. This is our mental energy.

As Eric Maisel says in ‘Coaching the artist within,’ there is a difference between our mental energy and our physical energy. Food gives us calories that allow us to carry out physical tasks.

Mental or emotional energy is fuel for what happens in our mind – what motivates us to action and emotionally dealing with our choices daily.

Physical energy is the way the body processes fuel for our physical activities Mental energy is the way we view the world and the meaning we give to what we’re doing.

We can ask ourselves if we are being mentally and emotionally stimulated, which fills up our energy tank, or are we being drained by all our activities and ‘shoulds’ of life, which empties our energy tank.

If we can make meaning from our activities – how we feel about what we are doing – then this revitalises us and replenishes our mental energy.

Inner thoughts, feelings and motivations are just as important as the food we put into our mouths.

Next time you feel overwhelmed or exhausted with the demands of your life at this time, think about these three things:

  • What generates mental energy for me?

  • What saps mental energy from me?

  • What replenishes mental energy for me?

Be aware of this process every day. Consider each activity you are involved in and ask yourself – Is this filling up my energy tank or is it zapping my energy.

If it’s filling you up with energy then remember this feeling. Can you do more of this?

If it’s depleting your energy – then can you do less of this? Or at least can you do something pleasurable for yourself afterwards to rebalance the scales.

I find writing Xmas cards with just my name soul-destroying, so I shift my mental attitude. I hold the person who will receive it, in my heart and write a special meaningful message to them. Then I feel warm and glowing and full of spirit rather than exhausted by the task.

It’s the same with wrapping the presents. It’s such a repetitive and boring task. So again, I shift the way I view this activity. I think of the pleasure that this gift will give the person and my tank begins to fill up once more.

For me, keeping my energy tank as full as possible, depends on the meaning I give to my activities. When I can find a purpose, doing this generates mental energy.

I can then focus on doing more of the creative things that refuel my tank.

There is also something about having a discipline about the tasks I’m involved in. Some of them are mundane and have to be done. I can choose to create the discipline of setting a time for these activities, then showing up to complete them, no matter what. Then I can find pleasure in having completed them. I’ve ticked them off the list. A satisfaction ensues. 

Just putting one foot in front of the other. Recognising the excuses and doing the work anyway. I can choose not to complain because that empties my tank quicker than anything.

When I feel overwhelmed, I remember to consciously keep breathing as I step forward into action – one thing at a time, one day at a time.

Breathing In – I calm my body.     Breathing Out – I smile.

One technique I use when I can feel the pressure starting to rise and the panic flowing through my body – a sure sign that my tank is emptying – is to say stop for a moment and become conscious of what is happening in my body. I observe myself. Then I can say to myself – ‘I can choose peace rather than this.’ It works every time I remember to do this.

Awareness of what is happening within ourselves is the key to keeping yourself refuelled. Remember the simple techniques that work for you to refill your energy tank, so that you can receive some pleasure in your activities.


Author of memoir – ‘Wearing Red, One Woman’s Journey to Sanity.

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Xmas Wishes


Appreciative Inquiry