Tips For Those Who Support Others (Part Two)
On the courses I ran as a mental health awareness facilitator, I was able to speak as someone who has experience of living with extreme mood swings, depression…
Tips For Those Who Support Others (Part One)
On the courses I ran as a mental health awareness facilitator, I was able to speak as someone who has experience of living with extreme mood swings, depression…
Check Out Assumptions
When you find yourself making quick assumptions about others or events, remember to check out whether this assumption is based on fact or fiction…
Self Acceptance (Part Two)
As I said last week (5th January 2022) in Part One, Self Acceptance and self love are big topics, which is why I’ve spread it over two weeks…
Self Acceptance (Part One)
“The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself.”
Maya Angelou…
Xmas Well-Being Poems
As we’re so close to Xmas I’ve decided to share with you three of my own poems to warm your hearts…
WEARING RED - One Woman’s Journey to Sanity
I’ve been asked to include a blog about my book, so I thought ‘Why not’? Some of you might want to treat yourselves for the New Year…
Practising The Art Of Gratitude (Part Two)
Last week I talked about the significance of practising the art of gratitude and how useful it can be to create a gratitude list, especially if you’re feeling discombobulated or overwhelmed…
Practising The Art Of Gratitude (Part One)
When the theme of ‘Gratitude’ came into my mind for this week’s blog, my first thought was ‘Oh no. I can’t be doing with that. There’s too much going on in my life - a few of them, things I’d rather not be happening’…
Going Beyond The ‘Shoulds’
Any mind message that contains the word ‘should’ is what I call a ‘tyrant order’ that serves only to upset our balance…
Dealing With Strong Emotions
This writing exercise (part 3) is a variation of the ones dealing with strong emotions that I’ve shared with you before…
Rituals To Celebrate Achievements
Rituals are an excellent way of honouring what you’ve achieved in your life. They remind you that you are worthy of your own tenderness…
One Step At A Time
One step at a time. One day at a time. This is how everything is achieved. No matter how big or small the task ahead, we simply get through most things by taking one step at a time…
Expectations Can Damage Your Health
Expectations can have a huge effect on our equilibrium and mental well-being, especially when an outcome does not match up to our expectations…
Power Leaks Writing Exercise
This exercise is concerned with power leaks and how to help deal with them. Power leaks create a deficit in your energy tank, and they often occur when you have allowed yourself to be emotionally and mentally overwhelmed by an external situation…
How Important Is This Really?
When you’re in turmoil over something that has happened in the day, or something you’ve been told, you can calm yourself down by simply asking the question - ‘How important is this really?’
You Are Good Enough
If you judge yourself with harsh criticism, going over and over all the things you think you’ve done wrong, or that haven’t gone well, then you will benefit from having a mantra of ‘I am good enough’…
Purpose Of My Blog
I’ve been posting my mental well-being blogs for 6 months now, and new readers have joined along the way. So, this week, I thought I’d give you a reminder of the purpose of my blog…