You Are Good Enough
If you judge yourself with harsh criticism, going over and over all the things you think you’ve done wrong, or that haven’t gone well, then you will benefit from having a mantra of ‘I am good enough’…
Purpose Of My Blog
I’ve been posting my mental well-being blogs for 6 months now, and new readers have joined along the way. So, this week, I thought I’d give you a reminder of the purpose of my blog…
Flick Back / Flick Forward
Flick Back/ Flick Forward is a tool that enables you to use the positive emotion associated with some past achievement to prepare deliberately for a successful future result…
Dealing With Strong Emotions
This week’s blog, is a variation on the ‘Understanding Your Fear’ writing dialogue, from couple of weeks ago. If you found that writing exercise useful, try out this one…
Positive Achievement List
Compiling your own ‘positive achievement’ list is a way of respecting yourself.
Recognising and acknowledging small achievements in your life can allow you to appreciate just how far you’ve come and how well you’ve done…
Understanding Your Fear
This writing exercise is concerned with confronting your fear, doubt or procrastination. Strong emotions that have the capacity to immobilise and confuse us…
Letting Go
This is very easy to say and much harder to put into practice. ‘Letting go’ is not the same as giving up. Giving up has a sense of failure about it, whereas ‘Letting go’ comes from a nurturing place of self-care…
The Variety of Mood Swings
I thought I’d change tack this week and give you a picture of what it’s like living with unpredictable mood swings. These are extracts from my book - ‘Wearing Red - One Woman’s Journey to Sanity.’
Shift Your Attitude
When something happens to upset or discourage me, I feel as if I’m blown off course and the infamous ‘Why Me?’ kicks into my mind chatter. It’s at times like these that I have to work on shifting my attitude…
Let The Worry Go
This day is precious. So why do we waste so many hours worrying about what has happened or what might happen in the future, rather than focusing on what is actually happening in this day?
A very good question that often requires my attention…
Handling What Life Throws At Us (Part Two)
Change is the only constant in our lives, yet we find unwelcome shifts in our circumstances uncomfortable and unsettling. We want to hold onto the familiar - the way things were…
Handling What Life Throws At Us (Part One)
Accepting change in our lives is very difficult and there is no easy answer. As this is such an important area, I’ve dedicated two weeks of my blog to explore how we can best handle what life throws at us. This is Part One…
Watch The Bindweed In The Border
This week’s blog is about the danger of complacency and the importance of daily practice of your well-being tool kit, which you can compile from my weekly blogs. This is number 19 so you could have 19 tools at your disposal already…
Turn Down The Inner Critic
A harsh inner critic tends to just harp on. Rant after rant of distorted obsessive thinking that serves no useful purpose. These thoughts become like toxic chemicals dripping into your body…
Keep On Keeping On
I find it so easy to start something with a flourish and say to myself I’m going to do a reading from a daily reflections book and a meditation every morning because they make me feel so much better in myself…
Acceptance Is The Key
Accepting life on life’s terms, rather than how you would have things be, is one of the most difficult practices to develop. Yet this simple word ‘acceptance’ holds a key to emotional and mental wellbeing…
Choosing What Works
This week’s mental health well-being blog is focusing on the art of choosing what works in any situation rather than concentrating on what hurts.
This is my interpretation of practising what is known as ‘Appreciative Inquiry.’ If we are able to focus on our strengths and successes…
Become An Observer Of Yourself
In order to stay balanced we need to find a middle way. When starting a new project, we often start with exaggerated eagerness, imagining that this is the answer to our well-being. We intend to commit to this new venture, whatever it may be…
Living With Mood Swings
As Mental Health Awareness Week was celebrated across the nation recently, in my blog this week, I’ve decided to focus on my own mental well-being and talk about how I’ve managed over the years, to live with my mood swings…
Create Your Own Fairy Story
As my childhood was very difficult, sometimes my past creeps into my present…