Creating A Vision Of Your Future

Visioning your future is a powerful way of fulfilling your dreams / goals. You adjust to the picture in your mind and change is brought about from the inside out.

I’ve included steps for creating your vision in meditation and also in writing. You could do both ways for maximum effect or just choose which one suits you best.

You can memorise each step of the visioning or record the instructions and play it back so you can stay relaxed. Or allow another person to guide you through the process.

There are some writing reflections at the end to deepen your experience.

Step ONE: Create a peaceful space & settle into it:

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position - feel the ground beneath you. Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath. Take three deep breaths in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth, letting all the tension and tiredness in your body effortlessly flow away, as you breathe out.

Feel your shoulders drop and allow your mind to focus on your breath.  Begin to relax deeply.  As you relax you imagine yourself in a quiet place.   Allow yourself to just rest in that place for a few moments, with nothing you need to do or think about.

Write about this quiet place inside that you have found for yourself.

Step TWO: Choose the area of your life you want to focus on:

Envision what you desire for yourself moving forward. This could be your dream or goal. Really bring your imagination to life now. What your heart truly wants – with no qualifications. Allow this vision to become clear in your mind.

Write about the vision that you wish to create for yourself. What does it look like?

Step THREE: Imagine the vision want for yourself has actually happened

Imagine that time has moved forward and it’s three years from now - year 2025. Congratulations. You’ve accomplished your vision and your goals.

You’re now at the height of your powers, full of vitality. 

Imagine that you are expressing your creativity fully and freely. Let yourself enjoy the experience. Feel the life force within your body.

You’ve made it to where you want to be.

Now take in all the detail surrounding you

  • Look around you – what does this look like – colours, environment

  • What are you doing, hearing, feeling, saying?

  • Who is with you?

  • Where are you?

  • What challenges do you face?

  • What have you created for yourself?

  • Feel, smell and touch this reality that you have achieved.

  • How does this feel having come so far and achieved so much?

  • Allow yourself to fully enjoy this moment. Look how well you’ve done.

  • How challenging or exciting is this having achieved your dream?

Write: You’ve moved forward 3 years to 2025. Congratulations. You’ve achieved your vision. Write down your answers to the above questions, describing this new reality in detail.

Step FOUR: Check in with your heart – are you satisfied/ delighted?

Is there any hesitation / disappointment?

Adjust your vision until it includes everything your heart desires. Check if there is anything you still regret not having done.

Take some time to make sure that you are living out your life’s purpose right here. 

Is there anything else you need to do?

Write: Describe any hesitation or disappointment, you detect. What would your new life look like if these were dealt with?

Is there anything else you need to do to complete this vision?

Step FIVE: Return to the Present – Bring the Energy back with you

It’s time now to return to the present.   And you can bring these images & this energy back to the room with you.  As you come back to the present - bring with you these feelings of celebration and achievement. You can always return here, any time in your mind.

Slowly become aware of your body, your legs, hands, fingers, toes, wriggle them. Feel the ground beneath you. When you’re ready … open your eyes. 

Write: how do you feel returning to the present? 

Step SIX: Choose your vision

Say aloud – ‘I choose this vision’. You may want to identify certain qualities/details from your vision out loud.

Write: the words ‘I choose this vision,’ several times.

Follow Up Work after the Visioning Process

Step SEVEN: Write out a detailed description of your chosen vision

In the first-person present tense, as though it exists right now.

Step EIGHT: Reflections & Making Connections

a) How did it feel to be at the height of your powers – to have accomplished your vision?
b) What surprised you about your Vision?
c) What has become clearer for you as a result of doing this Visioning process?
d) Describe any hesitation or disappointment you experienced, and how you were able to adjust your vision.
e) What resistance or critical thoughts came up whilst you were doing the visioning process and the writing afterwards?
f)  What do you need to do to overcome these barriers?
g) What action could you take right now as one small step to moving you closer towards your Vision?

Now enjoy taking the necessary steps to create your vision into reality over the next few months/ years.

Author of ‘Wearing Red- One Woman’s Journey to Sanity’

Available at and


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