What you can expect from my Blogs…
For most of my adult life, I have lived with debilitating bi-polar mood swings. In order to maintain my own recovery and live with my mood fluctuations, I’ve developed my own well-being kit over the years.
This is what I call my manual of self-care, which consists of tools to help me stay well on a daily basis, create some level of balance in my life, and make healthy choices.
I’ll be writing regular blog posts on this site for those of you who want to use my tool kit to:
· stay afloat and well in these ever changing times
· manage mood swings
· maintain your mental health and well-being
· enrich the times when you are on an even keel
· own the parts that aren’t shiny.
By following my posts you’ll be able to compile your own kit of everyday tools to help cope with feelings of despair and anxiety, and make the most of your mental health and well-being. My mantra for living well is ‘Do more of what works rather than what hurts’.
There is an American Indian story I like, in which a grandfather tells his grandson about a battle that rages inside him between two wolves he carries in his heart. One is a vengeful, angry wolf capable of violence, whilst the other is an understanding, kind wolf capable of compassion.
The young man asks which wolf wins this struggle and the grandfather answers: “the one that I choose to feed”.
Some of the posts that I will be using here are contained in a briefer form in my book, ‘Wearing Red’, and some will come from a book that I’m currently writing, working title: ‘Staying Afloat’, which will contain 365 days of reflections, insight and tools on self-care. You will be the first to read them and you will also be part of my writing journey.
The tools I’ll be sharing with you are those I’ve found to work best for me. When I use these daily prompts on a regular basis, they make a difference, and that’s the biggest recommendation I can give.